On the way in I had my iphone in my pocket, while standing on the bow pulpit, but was paying more attention to looking for coral heads. On my iPhone I had the Navionics vectors running through iNavX. On the computers we had imray raster charts from about 10 years ago as well as brand new CMap Max Vectors. It is a difficult entrance through a break in the reef with lots of coral heads strewn about. On the way down to Cartagena, we pulled into Mayaguana in the Bahamas for the night. I have been meaning to post myself about some of this stuff, but have been spending too much time trying to sort out some sort of air conditioning for the boat. I’d also like feed back on the image gallery, please does this work better than the straight Picassa albums I’ve used recently (like the one at the bottom of this Lowrance HDS entry)? I’m sure I missed lots of details in these programs, but hopefully commenters can fill in. In fact, I got a bit carried away with the screen shots, and also figured out a new way to put them up on Panbo, as you can see below. And I’ve assembled a super duper screen shot slide show to illustrate… None is perfect by any means but the three above - Navionics’ Mobile Gold, GPSNavX’s iNavX, and Navimatics’ Charts & Tides - each has some interesting features. But I’ve been trying the major existing apps (thanks to a loaner 3G from Navionics), and can tell you that they’re pretty seductive as is. CNN Sans ™ & © 2016 Cable News Network.So there’s a new iPhone, the 3G S, and some of its new features - like a built-in compass, voice commands/feedback, and a much faster processor - will no doubt benefit marine navigation applications. Market holidays and trading hours provided by Copp Clark Limited. All content of the Dow Jones branded indices Copyright S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and/or its affiliates. Standard & Poor’s and S&P are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC and Dow Jones is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC. Dow Jones: The Dow Jones branded indices are proprietary to and are calculated, distributed and marketed by DJI Opco, a subsidiary of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and have been licensed for use to S&P Opco, LLC and CNN. Chicago Mercantile: Certain market data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. US market indices are shown in real time, except for the S&P 500 which is refreshed every two minutes. Your CNN account Log in to your CNN account